We appreciate your interest in becoming a referree at our upcoming tournament. If you are new to our tournament, please feel free to look around to get more information about the event and reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Our tournament is the second largest in Western PA and located East of Pittsburgh. We generally accept over 250 teams (with about 375 games in need of referees) all in a single weekend. We generally try to be as flexible as possible with scheduling so include as much info as possible in your application.

To get started, enter your email address which we will use to keep a record of all referee's you register. You may register multiple referees under a single email address. If you've already registered and need to make changes, simply enter the same email you used when initially registering.

If you have any issues signing up, please contact web@plumkickoffclassic.com for assistance.

Registered Referees

A listing of all existing registrations under your account

Register a New Referee

Enter the information below to add a new referee under your account

The following information will be used to ensure that we place you into games that you are most qualified and comfortable refereeing.

Mark which days are you available?
Mark which positions you will accept?