The deadline for signing up for online check-in has passed. If you submitted your request and have a DropBox link, our directors will be reviewing your forms and contacting you within the next few days (please be patient; there are a lot of these to go through). We ask that you be responsive to issues and get them resolved quickly.

If you have a legitimate need for online check-in but missed signups, you can contact for consideration. Please include in the email details regarding the need to do a late online check-in. Simply missing the deadline or not being able to get stuff ready until today is not going to be acceptable.

Registered Teams

The following is a listing of all teams you have registered for online check-in (as some coaches manage multiple teams). You can come back to this page anytime to see the details of your online check-ins such as the dropbox link and status of your request.

If you do not see your team, then use the "Register New Team" button to sign-up for online registration.

Register a New Team for Online Check-in

Enter the information below to add a new team under your account

Teams are listed by division; click here to find your division. If you are still having trouble finding your team, reach out to